How To Clean My Toddler’s Ear and Nose

If your like me, you have always wondered What’s the safest and Less Fuss Way to clean my Toddler’s Ear and Nose? Because honestly, I can’t stand to see either dirty, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.

I was surprised to find out that some wax is ok, and honestly beneficial (Yuck, I know!). But truth is

“Earwax provides a barrier against water in the external canal in addition to having microbes that prevent infection,”. If you’re wondering how much earwax is normal, there is no typical amount. It’s common to see some wax in one of your child’s ears, while the other may even have more wax. There is no certain amount that constitutes a normal amount of earwax. “As long as the pediatrician can see through the wax and visualize the eardrum, it is still ok,”

You would also be just as surprised as me to find out that the infamous “Cotton Swabs” actually cause more build up of Wax in the ear. While we think we are cleaning them. We are actually pushing the wax further back in”.

So when I heard about Dr.Talbots nose & Ear cleaner. I was overjoyed to have finally found a solution. That’s safe, effective, easy to clean and best of all reusable – saving me money. When I opened the packaging I was a little skeptical – we’re these little things really going to work. But, after trying them out I realized the proof is in the tool. The ends have a scoop feature that allows you to clean, those hard to reach areas, and the heart shaped ensures it doesn’t go to deep while doing it – also preventing you from pushing wax back inside . Both being my biggest fear.

I think the best part about it is, I don’t have to strap my toddler down anymore, making this also Fuss Free. Can we say Mom Win!

But you don’t have to take my word for it, at under $10 it’s definitely worth trying it out for yourself. Trust me you will be thankful you did.

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